
Men Roast The Bad Profile Pictures Women Use On Dating Apps

  • Duck face selfies

    Forehead - 00 Verizon LTE 8:01 PM 1% 55% D tinder sgt 6 00000 77 miles away active 2 hours ago

    The epidemic that is the 'duck face' has unfortunately taken over the planet. Girls think they appear to be playful and sexy, but in reality, it comes off as slightly desperate and attention-seeking. A nice smile is the perfect alternative to an idiotic or angry-looking kissy face!

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  • Yoga poses in front of a view where you are too far away

    Joint - 000 Verizon LTE 9:32 AM 00 Sprint ? 3:31 AM 97% 00000 Bell ? 11:22 AM 18 100% tinder (x) O Done ... • O Done ... 11 miles away Active 1 hour ago 45 kilometers away Active 3 days ago

    Oh, you do yoga? Great. Put it in your interests, and replace this with a clear and recent picture in which someone can actually see what you look like.

  • Pictures With Exotic Animals

    Photograph - 00 AT&T 4G 4:55 PM 1 4% D+ -70 23:07 10 1041 mAh 000 AT&T tinder Done Edit | Done O..... 2 miles away Active 2 days ago Shared Interests (1) F less than a mile away Active just now

    Perhaps these types of photographs would be somewhat interesting if they weren't so obnoxiously prevalent. For a guy, it seems like every girl in the digital dating world has a picture cuddling a Siberian tiger, African Bush elephant, or a god damn Woolly Mammoth. Besides the fact that these animals are cruelly beaten and sedated solely for your pleasure (or likes on Instagram), it's basic AF.

  • Car Selfies

    Photograph - bumblo

    Why? Why are these even a thing? A wise man once said, "It's like you literally got into your car and thought, 'Damn, I look so good today, I better let everyone know before I put this thing into gear and head off to my shift at the Olive Garden." To be fair, guys are undoubtedly guilty of this offense as well and will be held to the same standard.

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  • Bathroom Selfies

    Photograph - X V: /oo0000 2 miles away active 24 minutes ago

    Ahhh the ubiquitous bathroom selfie. Oftentimes accompanied by a sexy outfit and in most cases, a duck face. Ladies, if you are looking for a gentleman who will cherish and respect you for your mind and not just your body, you need to stop posting these pics. It attracts the wrong kind of guys because all they can see is 'I am a hoe, and I want the D.'

    Include these in your profiles all you want, but prepare yourself to be approached by dozens of sleaze bags just trying to hit it and quit it.

  • Pictures Where No One Can Decipher Which One is You

    Photograph - •0000 CC ? 5:28 PM 1 53% tinder Done SHARED FRIENDS SHARED INTERESTS ... 46 miles away Active 43 minutes ago

    OK. You have a '#squad.' If a guy cannot figure out which one you are in a group picture they will automatically assume you are the least attractive one and give you the ol' left swipe.

  • SnapChat Filters

    Glasses - tĩnder I CANT EXPLAIN..

    Oh, how cute! You have doggy ears! Just like every other basic b*tch on the planet. Also, the flower crown is played out. The big misty-eyed fairy with a flawless complexion is clearly not going to be an accurate depiction as to what someone will see in person. Under-promise and over-deliver. Off with the filters.

    Like what you see? Find more hilarious women's memes and crazy stories on our Instagram @Cheezcake_Humor.


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