
New York City Has a Resident Human-Rat Called Buddy

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    Buddy the rat is actually Jonothon Lyons, an actor and performance artist who created the character of Buddy in a theater performance over a decade ago. 

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    Building - ED PIT

    Lyons and a director friend took the rat costume out for a night in Times Square, and the following videos went viral. Lyons realized that Buddy had to start taking the rat into public. 

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    Buddy the rat appears on the subway a lot, as passengers there often see real rats. 

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    In a famous stunt, Buddy recreated the viral 2015 video of a (real) rat dragging a piece of pizza home in a New York City subway station. 

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    There was a problem rendering this video - it may have been deleted.

    Lyons aims to be mischievous, but not disruptive in his performances. Sometimes people laugh or scream, and there are mostly positive reactions to Buddy. 

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    Buddy the rat continued his public appearances during the pandemic, with Lyons wearing a face mask underneath the rat mask. 

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    Lyons sees New York City as the world capital of live performance and feels privileged to be a part of the scene. 

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    To see more of Buddy the rat, follow Jonothon Lyons on Instagram and YouTube.


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