I'd be lying if I Said I've spent a lot of time contemplating how strong babies probably are, but suddenly it is all making sense to me. All of that crawling they do attempts and walking, holding up their massive heads, it all takes some serious strength if you think about it. They don't even need to hit the gym, babies are basically always bulking and growing, much faster than we could even attempt to. I'm not saying I'm jealous, but I'm just saying that there's a chance you'll never see babies in the same way.
One woman was walking with her baby in one arm, and two bags of groceries in the other. She found herself needing to readjust as lost her grip on the groceries. The next thing you'd expect to occur are all of those groceries falling to the ground, but her baby said, “Not today, Mama."
Let's Watch
In the video there's a text that @honghieuly added which reads:
I am not making this up. I was bringing in groceries and holding my bb along with her toys when to my alarm she threw her body forward. I immediately let go of the groceries to tighten my grip on her and she caught the groceries.
This video is both hilarious and adorable. One of the best mixes of content if you ask us. It appears the comment section is also on the same wave length.
Let's take a look at the best comments on this 1.8M times viewed video:
she said “I got your back babe”
I’m a pediatric x-ray tech and I can confirm babies and toddlers are hulk-like 🙃 they are strong AF
I heard somewhere that babies are so strong bc they unknowingly use all the strength in their muscles,, don't know if its true but MIGHTY BABY RULEEEE
babies be mad strong for no reason
she said one trip only 😤
Dang she even flexed on us by doing a rep
Are you sure she’s not an avenger?!
She said, “hold my toys, ill take the groceries” 😂
Babies are strong AF I use a 35-pound weight to keep one of my doors shut and my toddler just picks it up like it's a simple door stop
The amount of strength their little bodies carry is crazy. Every time I change my son's diaper it’s like fighting Muhammad Ali, almost got a black eye
she’s like “where u want these??”
So apparently babies being strong is nothing new, but it's still just hilarious to see.