
Awkward Moments In Life Which Are Painfully Relatable

  • Yelling in a loud area right when the noise stops

    Flash photography

    Few things are more uncomfortable than trying to yell to your friend over the noise of a crowd, and then suddenly there's a lull the MOMENT you say "AND MY SOCKS WERE BETWEEN MY BUTTCHEEKS THE WHOLE TIME!" And all you can do is pray everyone pretends they didn't hear you...but they did. And they won't forget. And they won't forgive.

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  • Falling asleep in a meeting

    Picture frame

    So, you were up all night playing Fortnite or some other nerd shi*t, and you just can't keep your eyes open during the morning meeting. The table just RIGHT at that moment your boss calls on you to do your presentation! Oh no, you forgot all about the presentation! AND your pants! You're in your underwear in front of everyone...wait, maybe this is a dream? It is! You fell asleep in the meeting, your boss is just waking you up to do the big presentation. Wait, you forgot all about the presentation! And your pants…

  • Making eye contact with an acquaintance


    You know when you pass someone you sort of know and you see them and they see you, and you KNOW they see you, and you know THEY know you see them, and then neither of you are sure whether to acknowledge it? So you sort of make eye contact but pretend that you didn't? Jeez, even talking about it is making me cringe.

  • Telling a joke that doesn’t land

    Outerwear - MAN COUGHS *

    You know when you tell a HILARIOUS joke, and you get to the punchline thinking everyone is gonna freak out laughing, and you just get...silence? Everyone is looking at you vaguely horrified, and then they just go back to their conversation like nothing happened. And you realize this is your WORK group and you just told a joke about GAMING, which they would NEVER understand, and THEN you realize you were speaking fluent Portuguese the whole time, and you don't even know a word of Portuguese? Anyone else know that feeling? Anyone at all? Please, I need answers!

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  • Falling in front of your crush


    The only thing more uncomfortable than falling down a storm drain is falling down a storm front of the guy you like! So awkward when he has to call the police to get you out and it's a whole to-do. Although...what exactly is a storm drain, anyway? And why are people always falling down them?

  • Walking around with a stain on your shirt

    Hairstyle - DR.SQUATCH Your shirt

    Picture this: you look down, you realize you spilled mustard from lunch on your shirt and you've been walking around with the stain ALL DAY and everyone just didn't say anything and let you believe it was a normal day! Are you picturing it? So awkward, right?

  • Saying goodbye only to find you’re going the same way

    Smile - Kill me now.

    You've just broken up with your girlfriend, Janice, by telling her you have to move to Yemen for work. But when you turn to get in the cab, you find she's getting in the cab with you. "I'm coming to Yemen with you!" She says. She's called your bluff. You'll never escape. Guess you're going to Yemen...


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