Women Reveal Appalling Workplace Crimes Their Male Coworkers Got Away With

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    Font - r/AskWomen · Posted by u/fastercheif 1 day ago What are some things that your male coworkers did at work that if you did them you'd have gotten fired?
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    Human body - msstark 1 day ago Talked openly about all the girls from tinder they had sex with, with details about their bodies. The boss was usually the one who brought up the topic.
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    Font - SnooPears6342 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago Showing up two hours late to work because of a hangover. I once had a voicemail from my boss saying he was really drunk & wasn't sure if he'd be able to open with me at 4:30 am. Company policy was that we had to have 2 people open. I was 7 minutes late, he was 2 hours late & only i was written up. Edit: can't believe i forgot to add but-- my male co worker was stealing from the store, so much that we were in the red. He was promoted over me, desp
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    Font - ivegotmysuspicions 1 day ago Back in the late 70`s, I was an 18 year old female that worked as a "mailgirl" in a corporate office. It was a lot of fun, walked all day long, joking with al the office workers. One day, this douche, (that up to this point I had gotten along with well) called me into his office, there were two other gentlemen in there I had never seen before. I walked in he said "do me a favor, turn around. " Now, I hate to admit that I was that naive, but thought that maybe
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    Font - t12aq 1 day ago Poor physical hygiene and unprofessional appearance. I work with two men who definitely do not shower regularly and it's not an issue at all, and one regularly wears stretched out white undershirt t-shirts to work as tops and no one comments, but I and many others have been pulled up on having chipped nail polish looking unprofessional. We also had the visible tattoo drama of the early 2010s where only the female staff got pulled up on it but the male staff did not. We wen
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    Hair - SnackHardNapHard 1 day ago Socialize. Mock coworkers on a group text. Repeatedly talk over others (always women) and railroad through their ideas. Disregard direct instructions from a supervisor. Lie about coworkers.
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    Font - 2 Ashsforever 1 day ago Take photos of peoples butts in the stockroom. Getting a handjob in the freezer Texting on the job
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    Facial expression - sunnymuffin123 1 day ago Maybe not to the point of getting fired but enough to get a HR talk or worse... Dressing casually. I've gotten a HR talk for not wearing make up (I wear work dresses and covered toe flats) while male coworkers wear graphic tees, sneakers and doesn't even comb his hair. Oh and he regularly plays mobile games while working
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    Font - imabanddork 1 day ago Have sex in the dairy cooler. Talk super loud about my private parts.
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    Font - YooperGirlMovedSouth 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago On a white-water rafting work excursion, my husband's co-worker mooned a group of customers, coworkers and their wives (myself included) as we were walking up a hill from the river. Everyone laughed and said, "Ah! What a character that Connor is!" He worked at the company for another three years without incident and then moved to Costa Rica to “live his life to the fullest". I can't imagine a woman EVER getting away with mooning approximat
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    Font - Suspicious_Ladder625 1 day ago When I was 18 and worked at a grocery store, my manager who was in his late 30's got my phone number from the employee info book and started texting me, saying that he thought I was super cool and that he wanted to be friends. I sort of didn't mind this at the time since we got along just fine and we had similar hobbies, and (also since he was my boss) I responded back politely. A couple of weeks later I was warned by other coworkers about him, saying that h
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    Font - ingululu 1 day ago Talking disrespectfully to coworkers and especially supervisors. Men doing it to female superiors - at my work its looked at as normal. As a woman talking to a male supervisor the same way, I would be put in my place or dismissed were I so surly.
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    Human body - WLBalance19 1 day ago Had a drawer full of DVDS and watched them during the work day. Also put his feet up on his desk. I did get fired - for complaining about a man who was sexually harassing me.
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    Font - WoWorld 1 day ago I was seeing a coworker. I was fired for seeing the coworker. He wasn't. Not even reprimanded
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    Font - 9 GandalfTheGaaay 1 day ago - edited 1 day ago When I was an office manager, my boss nearly fired me for trying to get clients who were scammers out of our office. They were literally stealing from the most vulnerable and poor every day. I still think about the people I couldn't help because there were lines of people getting scammed every single day. Meanwhile, in his other office, his other office manager literally stole thousands from the company, gave away an office for free to a drug


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