Mozart slaps, there's no denying that. We all have heard some concertos and orchestral compositions by some of the musicians in the 18th and 19th century that made some absolute bangers. However, in the 1800’s, if you were a well-renowned musician or a composer, it meant that you were extremely wealthy, white, and could afford the cost of a private tutor or music teacher.
Nowadays, that is not the case for mainstream music. In fact, as a genre, hip hop and rap music is derived from primarily poor areas and it is inspired and created largely by those in black communities. And music in modern eras has more intense baselines, different composition, and can only be described by being way more vibey.
One TikToker, Tay from @vibinwithtay, speculates what hip hop music would have looked like to people from traditional renaissance-era parties, where all the white folks would have gathered to eat finger sandwiches, gossip, and powder their hair.
50 woulda went crazy back then if he was allowed to make music
Of course, being black in the 1800’s was a lot different than it is today, especially in the traditionally Victorian and European context. Tay makes a hilarious point that, if allowed to make music in the 1800s, 50 cent would have been extremely popular (as he is now) and the stuffy white Victorian people would have gone crazy.
gotta add my girl harriet every time
Tay even makes a joke that the people of these 1800’s parties would have been initially averse to the dance-able tunes, while slaves outside loved every second of it. Since Tay is an avid dance TikToker, he crushes some dance moves, twerking in a white powdered wig and a blue button-coat just like the 1800’s society members wore.
How can anyone resist a track with a base line like that?
Now that Tay has speculated about rap in the 1800’s, what about Medieval times? If you don’t know, now you know.
What y’all know about sir bigeth smalls??