Whenever you date someone, there are always only two possible outcomes: Either you get hitched, or you break up. It's inevitable. That's not to say it has to end badly, but it is definitely more likely that someone is going to get hurt. All of these things are a part of life. We all get dumped, or lied to, or cheated on, and we need time to cope. Some people take up meditation, some try out therapy, others post on Twitter. Can't tell you whether it's the healthiest coping strategy but it is clearly the most entertaining.
If you have an ex that you're not the biggest fan of you might relate to these hilarious tweets from people who don't give AF.
Sharon, come on! @MrPhetz is just trying to get over you and move on with their life. You can't just go around favoriting their Tweets. It sends mixed messages! It's Wreckless! Especially when it's them announcing they were just laid off. I mean... ouch!
This just reminds me of how much a breakup can feel like a game. Or maybe even like a theatrical performance. You're both trying to pretend that you are so happy without them, but you can't be over-the-top, or else they'll know! This is one way to play the game like a master. Very clever, @DrChubbyy.
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