"CEO of Self Made," or anything with the word ‘entrepreneur’. You’re probably broke and live with your mom.
"6’2’’ since that seems to matter so much to all of you." - Ya’ll judge us all f*cking day on our appearances. Lose the attitude and quit lying about how tall you are.
"I’m never on here. DM me at @ireallywantmorefollowers".
"All first dates will be dutch. Not on here just so you can get a free meal." Wow. You sound like a real gem.
"I’m bad at replying." - Perhaps you should work on your communication skills before trying to find a partner.
"Love to laugh and have fun" - Oh, really? Well, I’m more interested in someone who hates fun. Show me that human. I have questions.
"Not looking for a pen pal." - Please don’t preemptively scold me. Not cute.
"Must be…..(insert a bunch of qualities that you yourself probably do not possess)" - What is this? Build-A-Bitch Workshop? Piss off.
“I work out 5 times a week, I consider myself attractive, I am in excellent physical shape and expect that you be the same too.” - I will be the judge of that.
"Must have good grammar," or "Know the difference between they're/their/there" - You sound like a pompous asshole and you probably aren’t nearly as smart as you think you are.
"Fluent in sarcasm" - Ooooh, you think you sound so edgy, but really you’re just basic AF.
"Just say hi." - Nah.
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