Instagram is highly addictive, but we all already knew that. It's nice to think that we could delete the app at any time if we wanted to, but we just never really want to. Or if we do, and we actually go through with it, how long does it really last? All I know is, Myspace is dead, Facebook is dead, but Instagram is still going very strong. Just like a toxic bf, we get excited every time we get a notification from them, and they really know how to keep us coming back.
This is definitely a sign of someone who has been around longer than Instagram itself. It's true though, my feed has changed drastically throughout the year and the things I care about seeing are not the same as they were in 2010. Fewer Kardashians and more memes now.
Do you ever think about how crazy it is that we are constantly tagging our location on social media? Literally, if you really wanted to you could know where I am every couple of hours or so. Why do we want people to know where we are? Maybe so we can brag?
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