
Spooky Memes For Anyone Who Gets Consistently Ghosted Like It's Their Job

  • 1
    Flower - When he doesn't reply so u host a funeral for him cuz he must be dead

    This has to be the only explanation. Oh, it's so sad when you think about it. Such a shame. His poor poor soul.

    Side-note, if he's not actually dead it makes no difference whatsoever, homeboy is dead to me. The funeral will still take place.

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  • 2
    Comfort - when you get ghosted & curved but you realize you constantly ghost & curve ppl so it's just karma

    This is so accurate hurts. You are either the ghost-er or the ghost-ee. Or you're just in a healthy relationship where you clearly explain how you feel and when you want to distance yourself. Can't relate to that.

  • 3
    Font - Ja Salazar @_heyja *gets ghosted* Me: thank you for the 15-day free trial
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    Font - sarafcarter @sarafcarter First base: answering each other's texts Second base: talking on the phone Third base: "I really like you" Home run: getting ghosted anyway
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    Photograph - scoobert doobert Follow @jackienads there's a really average looking emotionally unavailable guy down here that will probably ghost you in two months
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    Forehead - Isn't it wild how people who ghosted you still watch every single one of your Instagram stories can you believe?
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    Photograph - Lyndsay Rush Follow @rushbomb Sending this to every guy who has ever ghosted me with text, "so fun running into you!"
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    Font - ronnie camp @RCampagnone Being ghosted? Send a text and use "your" when you mean "you're"
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    Facial expression - seda @sedrizzle after responding immediately to a man who had been ghosting me.
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    Rectangle - Jen Lap @jenlapcomedy The Long Island Medium but instead of channeling your dead family members she talks to the guys who've ghosted you.
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    Human body - 1984's George Whorewell @EwdatsGROSs The girl in my 3rd grade class that told everyone she was part horse and ate grass at recess is engaged and I have been ghosted 4 times in the last month. Much to think about
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    Head - Him: hey, that was nice. i had a good time Me: me too. can we see each other again? Him:


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