According to r/bonehurtingjuice, a meme must intentionally misuse its format in order to qualify as a 'bone hurting juice' meme. And it is actually pretty easy to make one of these memes—one must simply remove the joke, metaphor or original meaning and instead turn the image into a hilariously literal scene. Somehow, these memes hit different because they are, to a lot of people, pretty damn bad. But we see the good in them, and we've collected some of our favorite gems from r/bonehurtingjuice for anyone who can appreciate memes that are all wrong on purpose.
The most wholesome iteration of this meme ever.
I mean, this bird has got the right idea. If the moon broke and the world was ending, we'd want to get pretty busy too.
"We need to get him to trauma, stat!"
I'd like to see any of us try this at an actual museum.