Living next to other humans is so demanding. Whether it be a psycho roommate or psycho neighbor, you just can't get away from the crazies. No matter how hard you try to avoid them, they still manage to find you. In today's 'Am I The A$$hole?' post, OP is pissed because her next-door neighbors' kid got his ball from her yard, which she considers to be trespassing. When she confronted him about it, he said sorry, but according to OP, he didn't actually mean it. I don't know how she could tell that he didn't mean it, but okay. She brought it up with his dead instead, who didn't take her as seriously as she had hoped, so she threatened to call the police if his kids went into her yard again. In response, he called her an a$$hole, which is fitting for this particular subreddit. She asked Redditors for advice, and most said she's definitely in the wrong in this case. Scroll down for all the neighborly details.
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
People in the suburbs are so crazy. Probably because there's nothing better to do than bother you neighbors.
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