There are many terrifying things that lurk in the woods, a mountain lion is definitely up there as a top “you will probably die if you encounter one." TikToker Berni aka @bernifarms is an avid outdoorsman. She's done many hikes and camping trips and knows a thing or two about staying out in nature. So she decided that she wanted to do a solo hike/camping trip. She made sure to do her research on the wildlife of the area, but didn't think she'd actually come encounter with any of the apex ones, especially a mountain lion. Boy, was she wrong.
She had just set up her tent and decided to walk several feet away from the site to go gather some water from a small creek she had passed earlier. While she was filling up her “bladders” with water the hair on the back of her neck started to stand. She immediately thought she was being stalked by a mountain lion. However, she looked around and didn't see anything. She thought maybe she was just being paranoid, so started to make her way back to her campsite.
“Lived to tell the tail”
However, before she could reach her tent, the large apex predatory showed herself. The camper stopped in her tracks absolutely terrified. She tried quickly to remember what to do in these sorts of situations and remembered to try and make herself look big and sound scary. So she dropped the waters and threw her hands up and started screaming, shouting, and even growling to try and scare the lion off. The mountain lion just stood there, in a position that seemed like she was getting ready to pounce.
The camper then remembered she had bear mace on her, so she took that out, turned on the security alarm that was attached to it, and pointed the mace at the lion ready to protect herself. She knew better than to run, because that is an instant way to get pounced by a mountain lion (and any cat really). She stepped a few steps closer to the lion still trying to seem intimidating, but the lion did no budge. She then felt like maybe the lion was unprovoked and that she should just chill and not try to seem big and bad.
That's when she started recording and basically saying her last words to anyone who might find her phone incase of the worse scenario. Her and the lion stood there only several feet apart from each other and she talked into the phone. Amazingly, after a while the mountain lion seemed to get bored of her. The camper never turned her back to the lion and as she finally started to prowl away, she shoot her one last look that was as terrifying as it was majestic.
After the lion seemed to finally have gone from her, the camper grabbed all her things, decided camping her was a bad idea, and started hiking back out of the woods. The entire time she was looking over her shoulder to make sure she wasn't being stalked by the lion, but she never saw the awesome creature again. It was late, so she didn't make it out of the woods in time to beat the darkness, but she came across a mother and daughter camping, told them what happened to her, and set up camp near them. She went home right away in the morning and now goes on hikes always looking over her shoulder.
Follow up/Storytime
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