Going to college can be a life-changing experience in more ways than one, but at the end of the day, your college experience is just another school—and every school is going to have a jerk teacher lurking somewhere. Redditor u/gollunifn detailed a frustrating situation with one such professor in this r/AmITheAsshole post when they went to the subreddit to ask whether they were in the wrong for acting assertively toward their professor. According to the OP, the professor's unfair grade scaling practices already make the class tough enough — so when they got an answer wrong on an assignment because the professor made a mistake and failed to notify everyone in the class correctly, their argument with the professor turned into OP asserting that they are a customer at the college and demand quality service.
College students aren't typically thought of as customers of a business, but you know what? OP isn't wrong here. The professor made a mistake and failed to tell every student; OP shouldn't be punished via a poor grade for the professor's mistake. It seems like most other Redditors agreed. For another college professor story, check out this angry professor who sent a wild rant to their students.
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