I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Rescue Kitten Refusing To Eat Miraculously Starts Gulping Down Food After Heartbroken Caretaker Tells Him His Forever Family Is Waiting


Rescuing stray cats and kittens is a beautiful thing to do, but it is not easy. It can be just as heartbreaking as it can be rewarding. It's nonsense when people say cats' don't have emotions or don't understand us humans. For some reason it's easier to believe dogs understand us better, but there is a reason cats and humans get along too. TikToker @Pets_comeon helps rescue animals. They recently had a case where they found a rough looking kitten. The little orange fella was much smaller than he should be for his age and his spirit seemed broken. 



They tried to give the kitten all the love they could while helping all the other rescue kittens they had that day. They offered it all kinds of cat foods and treats, but the kitten was refusing to eat. There was nothing seriously wrong with the little guy other than he was weak. He seriously needed to eat, but wouldn't even lift his head at the sight of food. The heartbroken caretaker was trying everything they could to get this little guy to gain some strength. But it's much hard to fix the spirit of a lost kitten than it is to cure a sick one… 



Finally, one of the caretakers got desperate. She knelt down and started speaking to the kitten, pleading with him to fight for his life. She told him that he had a family that was waiting for him, a loving family that will take care of him for the rest of his life and make sure his days are always filled with love and kindness. She pleaded with him to please get up and eat because this family loves you already. 


As if the kitten understood every word, his eyes started to open wider and he started to lift his head. He wobbled his weak head around looking towards the food bowl, and started to shakily stand. He was still so weak, so this was a process for him. But he miraculously finally found the energy he needed to walk over to the food bowl and start eating. It's as if he started a hunger strike out of pure hopelessness, but then when he was told love was in his future, he decided life was worth living. Maybe he didn't understand the words, but he understood what this caretaker was saying and he was ready to let love in. 


Kitten on Hunger Strike Finds Hope to Eat Again:


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