When They Say We're Returning To The Office For The Culture, What Does That Actually Mean?


We know that office culture can be an important part of making work a communal experience. For some folks, it's a great way to form closer relationships with co-workers and to establish that team-building “we're all in this together” mentality. For others, it is simply a massive inconvenience. Especially when compared to rolling out of bed in your pajamas before Zooming from your couch with no pants on. For those of us who have been doing this for the past two and a half years, remote work is no longer a temporary solution; it's the way we want things to be done now.


Now that more and more workplaces are requiring employees to come into the office regularly, many of us have to get up an ENTIRE thirty minutes earlier to commute now. Plus, we have to put pants on. AND FOR WHAT?! This viral TIkTok from @middleclassfancy, which was reposted on Instagram by @humorousresources, really nails the point.


What “Work Culture” Actually Looks Like


Here's what actually happens. You come into the office on a hybrid work model where the majority of your team is not even present. Therefore, much of your day is spent among empty desks, black computer screens, and absent bosses. That chit-chat in the hallways your leadership romanticizes? Not happening. Those communal one-on-ones with your supervisors that might help with mentorship and future opportunities? Not a thing. Instead, you're just as lonely as remote work can be, only this time, you have to commute and wear semi-formal clothing. 


If productivity is the concern, employers can take a chill pill because, according to Forbes, “on average, remote workers worked almost a full hour more than their in-office and hybrid counterparts.” The reality is that this is not about productivity. It's about justifying office leases. Pure and simple. We all know this, so we might as well be transparent about it. After all, wasn't transparency and open communication a big part of the reasoning for a return to work model anyway? 


Keep scrolling below for some of the best comments on Instagram!


@ninetofivemarkter says, “a good culture isn't just having snacks, beer [on] tap, and a pool table in the office.” 


@eatpraylovepeacerepeat says, “I'm in the office thinking this right now. Why am I here when most people are not lol? It's hybrid. I think they just have a contract for rent and want to get their money's worth.”


@allisonkulesza says, “'We want you to return because we have a lease on the building we can't get out of' I think is more accurate.” 


We've seen other antiwork and hiring horror stories in recent months. Such as this viral thread in which a recruiter attempted to negotiate lower pay for a potential candidate!


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