Devoid of all reason this Karen decided to text her brother-in-law, after hearing from her sister that he was going to buy a boat.
"Of course!" She thought to herself as she wrote the message. "Just what John and I have been needing! A boat to take the kids out on! I'll make sure that BIL knows to get one that the kids can fit on!"
When her BIL responded that she was "Never going to be borrowing the boat." Karen was confused and hurt.
Somewhere in her entitled mind, the cogs started whirring. "If boat?... Why no borrow?.... If my sister's boat? Is not my boat too?"
Upon realizing that her BIL actually might have a valid point about the usage of his boat she decided to pull out the Karen trump card.
"But we're family."
Gotta love it. Entitled family members never change.
Just imagine the insane audacity that is required to lodge a request like this with someone, even a family member. When this guy got the first text his eyes must have rolled all the way back into his skull because you know he could see this coming.
This sister-in-law is the kind of person that makes you want to skip family events altogether. Having someone this entitled and toxic around just makes everything sour.
A bad apple, after all, does spoil the bunch.
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