
The Funniest Tinder Exchanges Of The Week (February 7, 2022)

  • 1
    Product - Sa, 22. Jän., 18:23 Fola k, Marry, Kill: Tom Hardy, Bill Gates, Me? A Gesendet Freitag 00:46 kill myself

    We LOLed at the person's honest response. At least she knows what she wants, and what she wants is definitely not on the list of men that were offered. We wouldn't have gone as so far as to self-destruct though. We probably would have married Bill Gates, f*cked Tom Hardy, and killed off this random from TInder. We're assuming he's not that much of a catch going up against Bill Gates and Tom Hardy. 

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  • 2
    Azure - Today 8:07 am Hey whats up currently looking for a tpyguide for lisbon Tourguide* Im not a f. KING TOURGUIDE Today 11:24 am Sheesh not very friendly for a tourguidr are you Thats a 1 star review from me

    THe person on the other end of this may have gotten asked to be a tour guide one too many times by tourists. We get where she's coming from, but who knows?! Maybe one of the tourists will fall madly in love with her and ultimately decide to stay. It would make a helluva rom-com movie, and she should give them a chance for that reason only. 

  • 3
    Rectangle - YOU MATCHED WITH 5 ON 14/01/2022. Big Jebus mommy milkers ! 17:57 Oh and nice tattoos lol 17:58 Today 03:58 Sorry maybe that's not really alright 03:58
  • 4
    Product - YOU MATCHED WITH ON 1/23/22 Hey Saturday because we're going to do something don't make plans this Today 6:39 PM You look like you'd lose a fight to a chihuahua Today 7:19 PM I don't fight dogs, but apparently I swipe right on them
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  • 5
    Product - YOU MATCHED WITH MICHAEL ON 2019-02-04 I just wanted to say thank you A Fooooor swiping right? For the boner're welcome! What's the difference between me and a camel? I don't stop at 2 humps What's the difference between you and a camel? I'm more likely to ride a camel.
  • 6
    Product - Here comes my next heartbreak And why do you say that? I don't understand why that's funny?? Having my heart broken by women like you throughout my whole life isn't fun by any means, trust me so I don't see the funny side, I'm sorry. The fact that you said Netflix and chill in your bio then proceeded with a winky face So obviously you're putting it out there that you're just interested with hooking up with as many guys as possible? I'm sorry, I just don't understand women of this gener
  • 7
    Rectangle - Today 11:33 AM Jesus your super fking pretty I would deadas go back in time nd parachute into nazi occupied france nd fight my way to berlin just to eat your a:.:
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  • 8
    Rectangle - Oh shit I just noticed you're a Taurus this might not work out Oh shit I just realized you believe in astrology this might not work out
  • 9
    Font - What are u on here for Love. Sex. Friendship. Basically anything. Although I'd like to find a permanent relationship Same l'm a single mom of 4 kids that no one wants I'm sure some people do
  • 10
    Rectangle - YOU MATCHED WITH ELISE ON 2/1/22 you are a cutie! I know Today 11:13 PM ok
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  • 11
    Font - I can make a wine glass out of a gum wrapper Pics or it's not real One sec You're gonna have to wait until I can find a gum wrapper I'll be here
  • 12
    Product - YOU MATCHED WITH K ON 1/21/20 I'm no weather man, but I predict that when you see me you'll be getting 8-8 1/2 inches Today 15:15 You know why women are so bad at guessing lengths/distances? Cause they're constantly being lied to about what 8 inches is


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