
Helicopter Mom Fuming When Husband Feeds Their Toddler Curry Rice

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    Font - Posted by u/dvthrjtjbrbtht 7 hours ago AITA I fed my son curry rice

    This is one of the more simple AITA titles we've seen in a while, but we're not mad at it at all. It's straight to the point However it did make us pose the question, what is the difference between curry rice and regular rice? Is the curry infused? Is the curry spicy? We need more information clearly. Luckily the OP dives right in.

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    Font - My wife and I have been married for 5 years. We have a 3 year old son.

    So this couple is still together. That's good to know. At least it is safe to assume the standards for the child's upbringing have been on the same page up to this point. Are these standards maintainable though? How long can one feed their child only porridge? Well, we're about to find out.

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    Font - Yesterday, my wife had to go to meet her mom immediately because her mom had fallen from the stairs and was admitted in the ER.

    Emergencies can really take a toll on parents. And it makes sense, when you're used to having a routine of constantly being with your child and taking care of them, having to go tend to someone else can be super stressful. Alas, it is a part of being an adult. And sometimes a little distance from your child is good, it probably prepares them a little better for the real world. Though we do not claim to be parenting experts here at Cheezcake by any means. just providing our two cents that nobody explicitly asked for. It's what we're best at.

  • 4
    Font - My wife called a babysitter but our usual babysitter was busy so she couldn't come. I told my wife I had a day off from work and I'd take a sick leave as well so I didn't have a problem taking care of our son but wife said that I wouldn't possibly be my able to take care of my son all by myself.
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  • 5
    Font - She has a history of not trusting me with our son ever since he was born. She thinks I can't possibly take care of a child on my own because I'm a man. Her father didn't know to take care of her and her siblings so she thinks even I'll not be able to take care of our son properly. That's why she even became a SAHM after our son was born.
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    Font - So she prepared some food for our son and told me to not feed him anything else apart from what she had prepared because she doesn't trust me not to burn down the kitchen. I'm actually a very good cook so I was pretty offended but agreed to do what she said because she was already stressed.
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    Font - At around lunchtime, when I tried feeding my son the porridge, he spat it out and wasn't eating it. So I tasted the porridge myself and found that it had too much salt in it.
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    Font - My wife hadn't prepared anything else apart from porridge so I fed him the curry rice I had prepared for myself. I mashed the rice well and added just the curry without any beans to prevent choking. He ate it without complaint. For dinner I fed him rice with curd.
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    Font - When my wife called me this morning, she asked me if everything was fine. I told her that the porridge she prepared had too much salt in it so I fed our son curry rice and curd rice. She blew up saying that I must've lost my mind to have fed our son despite her repeatedly telling me not to cook for him.
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    Font - I got mad at her and asked her what I was supposed to do if our soon didn't want to eat the porridge. I couldn't have let him starve all day obviously so I fed him what was there at home. She said that I'm very irresponsible and that she should've just taken our son with her to meet her mom.
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    Font - She cut the call abruptly on my face and had been ignoring me since then. She texted me a while ago saying that her friend would come to take our son and that her friend would be babysitting our son until she comes home. I told her immediately that she's delusional if she thinks I will let a stranger take my son. She said I'm being a jerk to her when she's already stressed about her mom.
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    Font - readshannontierney · 7 hr. ago Pooperintendant [66] NTA. Your wife sounds way too controlling. Unless you've got a history of risky behavior, you need to have it out with her. She -not you- is teaching your child antiquated gender roles and stereotypes. She is also setting you up to fail at parenting. This is not a healthy dynamic at all. Also, your kid has teeth. If I understand it correctly, she is still feeding him only semi-solids if you're required to mash rice and all she was going
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    Font - Equivalent-Echidna71 · 7 hr. ago NTA. shes okay with your son having food thats too salty but.not regular food? yeah your wife could really use some therapy.
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  • 14
    Font - WitheredFlowers · 6 hr. ago · edited 6 hr. ago Asshole Enthusiast [9] NTA this is extremely concerning. A 3 year old should be whole ass learning to use utensils by this point, not being spoon fed only mashed foods. Your wife is going to developmentally stunt your son. I have two three year olds and they entirely feed themselves (mostly) uncut foods. There are of course some exceptions, like sandwiches, hot dogs, and small round food like grapes, but a 3 year old is at extremely low risk

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