Those of us who know what it's like to do shift work can appreciate the importance of being on time. Not only can punctuality make you better prepared for what lies ahead, many managers will start breathing down your neck if they suspect the merest hint of tardiness, no matter what has caused it.
The last time I worked somewhere where you had to clock in, it was common knowledge that it was best to arrive an unpaid half an hour early to be able to actually prepare yourself for the day's work. If you tried to sign out five minutes early after completing all your tasks, though, it was a sure thing that you'd find a supervisor ready to give you a lecture on time theft. It was infuriating to say the least, especially when sometimes there was no one to be seen as you arrived at the office to sign yourself in.
Unfortunately, this contradictory attitude can be found across any number of sectors that push the minimum wage, and some employers can be a lot worse than others. This is a predicament that u/Waddiwasiiiii has had to deal with their current job as a bartender, causing them no end of annoyance with a supervisor who they already had a problem with. After the restaurant they worked for started hiring, they were tasked with reporting if any of the interviewees arrived late. Despite this, they noticed that their manager would frequently delay or be late for the interviews without giving much of a reason.
Realizing that many places industry were hiring, and that many applicants would get a job before the scheduled interview, they started to use the no-shows to their advantage. Informing the manager they had turned up and it was her lateness that caused them to leave, she finally began to get the message when an interviewee actually arrived and was left waiting — so they told her she may as well leave.
The unpleasant taste of her own medicine couldn't have been sweeter for many people, who were appreciative of u/Waddiwasiiiii's simple, but effective strategizing. While nobody is perfect at their job, supervisors in particular have a responsibility to respect employees in order to receive respect in return. It's a shame not all of them get this kind of training to appreciate that.