Owner Forced to Close Business After They Miss the Joke in Woman's Sarcastic Video Resume Interview Response


This story was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by user u/itchyspiderbutthole, who shared her story to the popular sub. This thread offered a unique twist in the fact that she also linked the actual video that she had sent as her video resume to support her story. This is similar to how the author of the viral r/TIFU ‘Sex Playlist’ post linked the song that was the main culprit of their FU, which resulted in the song becoming one of the hottest sounds of last week. We might be starting to see a trend here that is probably just another sign of the internet's continued push towards audio and video-based viral content.

In this story, the Original Poster (OP) describes her situation; she had been looking to strike back out into the workforce after some time away for personal reasons. She applied to a ‘cute little shop' by dropping in her resume. In true interview fashion, after a few email exchanges, she suddenly needed to justify (in essay format) to this clothing store owner why folding shirts was her life's work. 

As a personal aside, I've managed and hired for retail positions in one of my many past lives, and I could never help but smile a little bit when candidates would try to sell themselves in this way and tell me why retail was the pinnacle of their aspirations. I wish I could say that you should never have to do this when applying for an entry-level role… but most hiring managers are looking for this, which is why this ridiculous practice is so engrained in our ‘interview psyche.’

As the interview progressed so did the absurd scale of the expectations. The essay requirement was merely the appetizer… The main course, of course, needing to be served in video format. So, OP obliged, in the best way that she knew how, and produced the most dryly-witted awkward video this way come since Napoleon Dynamite.

Where did this style of humor go? ‘Millennial Pause' be damned, we've not aged out yet, Gen-Z, so put your ‘cap’ back on and respect the awkward/random Millennial humor that paved the path of what was funny on the internet while you were still drooling on your iPads. We're talking about the savants of awkward/random LiamKyleSullivan and JohnLajoe here and the equally bizarre and confusing sensations that were channels like Smosh and Jenna Marbles.  Y'all are happy to call Millennials ‘cringe’ and ‘aged out’, and yet you've helped two Gregory Brother creations go viral in the span of a month (The Corn Song and Chrissy Wake Up for this wondering.)

Anyways, as you probably expected, the video did her no favors; the humorless business owner even completely missed the joke and sparked a community drama conversation that embroiled the community and forced the owner to close her store for a while.

As always, browse onwards to see the original thread and video, and link to the original post at the bottom.




Via u/itchyspiderbutthole

Via u/itchyspiderbutthole

Youtube channel: ACoupleOfN3rds

Via u/itchyspiderbutthole

Via u/itchyspiderbutthole

See the original thread here.


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