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Presenting: This guy.
u/throwawaysnapchat_ra posted this topic to r/AmItheAsshole after a disastrous interaction on what became a painfully long flight.
He ran into his ex-girlfriend from University on a flight and recognized her before she realized who he was. They were seated next to one another, and once he confirmed who she was when she removed her mask momentarily, he engaged her in conversation.
Unbeknownst to him, the man seated next to her on the other side was her, now, husband. Things were pleasant until the Ex introduced u/throwawaysnapchat_ra as a "friend" from Uni, and the husband asked what his wife was like in Uni.
When u/throwawaysnapchat_ra replied with a thinly-veiled insult, things got real awkward quickly. The Ex told her husband, "He's that jerk I cut contact with." The couple swapped seats, and the husband shot daggers at him for the rest of the flight.
u/throwawaysnapchat_ra posted the thread wondering if what he did was wrong and has been obliterated in the comments. He had to make an edit asking people to stop sending him Direct Messages as he has gotten the point that he was wrong.
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