You don't have to be a film nerd to appreciate a peek behind the curtain when it comes to the entertainment that we watch. You never know what fascinating trivia you might find out that will serve you well in a quiz of some sort, or failing that, can be used to impress/bore your friends with multiple times over. While sitting through a movie just to hear those who worked on it drone on about the process might not sound like the most enjoyable thing in the world, it can lead to no end of amusement. At least, that's the opinion of @GrahamB47, who took to Twitter to express frustration that along with the downfall of DVDs had come a lack of bonus commentary tracks. This was an opinion shared by many, who replied with their own favorite examples and the hope that one day, studios would come to realize that the people still want extras. It's another way to stop you compulsively checking your phone through the whole movie, right?