In the wildly varied world of childrearing, there are few things more annoying than an overly pushy parent. For both the fellow moms and dads who have to endure the endless spiels about their precious little angel's unbelievable achievements and the kids who have the misfortune of living under the iron fist, it's not a situation that anyone enjoys being in.
This only becomes more apparent when their offspring get older and more independent, running the risk of rebelling, or even just living their life in ways that aren't approved of. This was underlined not so long ago in a callout of a seriously weird article by @punished_cait on Twitter. The piece is written by a disgruntled mom, who goes into detail about being upset that her son had had the gall to acquire a girlfriend at college. While his other half seems to be everything and more that most parents would want for their child, the writer claims that she was both "queasy and nauseous" as well as on the brink of fainting when she found out about the "Other Woman".
The excerpts shared by Cait got a horrified reaction, with many left despairing at the author's strange and controlling attitude. Not to give Freud too much credit, but maybe the whole Oedipus thing goes both ways.