In what world does having a package mistakenly delivered to your house mean that you now own the contents of the said package? Certainly not on the planet on which we now reside.
This thread was posted to Reddit's r/mildlyinfuriating subreddit where it went viral yesterday, earning 118k upvotes and hitting Reddit's r/all front page. The thread contained an image of the letter that Reddit user u/BigMacDaddy99 received from their neighbor, in which the neighbor admits to taking the Reddit user's product and inquires if they are “interested in buying it” or wanting “to trade something for it."
Hi! I'm Sam," the note reads. “I live down the street. A few weeks ago we got some landscaping fabric delivered to us by accident. We have one roll left if you are interested in buying it. We are selling it, but if you wanted to trade something for it, we could work something out. It's members mark brand, 4' by 225'. Text me if ur interested. :)"
Readers were shocked and outraged and let their thoughts be known in the comments. Suggestions typically suggested that the poster turn the neighbor in to the police, on account of the fact that they now are in possession of a signed confession.
Keep reading to see the photo and screenshots of the thread and reactions below.

via u/BigMacDaddy99

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