Australian Shepherd Herds an Enormous Wild Moose onto the Hiking Path, Spooking and Nearly Stomping His Owner


Moose are amongst the top contenders of most dangerous animals in the world. With more attacks per year under its belt than Great White Sharks, moose are one animal not to be trifled with. Unfortunately, pets don't know how to read warning signs and oftentimes have never seen enormous animals like a moose in the wild. So a dog, for example, who would encounter a moose in the wild would probably think, “Wow, look at the size of THAT dog!”, then might go try to sniff their tooshie. One swift hoof to the face and it's over for dear ol' Fido. 


That's why most hikers think to have their dogs on a leash, for their own safety against the unknown. However, one hiker in Utah, Michael of @mike_hikes_sometimes, trusts his dog enough to have her off leash on the trail. Normally, that's all good and fine, but one day, his dog was gallivanting up and down the path only to reveal the spookiest of all scary land mammals just around the corner. 



Michael hikes with his dogs on the trails all the time, which is usually not a problem. However, in one video, he filmed his grey Aussie racing back and fourth excitedly. The hiker and his buddy naturally thought that she had the Zoomies and was zipping up and down the road because of her doggy excitement. One glance at the top of the hill revealed that the grey Australian shepherd was not doing Zooms, but was actually herding a large hoofed beast in their direction. 


At the top of the trail, creating a silhouette that would make any adult human being absolutely crap themselves, was a full grown moose. The antlers were nearly big enough to blot out the sun. The moose had been herded by this sweet good girl doggo, but it was directly on the path of her hoomans!


The look on the dog's face says enough. She thought that she did a good job herding and turned back to her owner for a wee bit of praise. However, him and his friend were too busy to praise the dog for her accomplishments because they were high-tailing it to safer passages. Unbeknownst to this bouncing Australian Shepherd, she had put her hoomans in grave danger. Fortunately, the moose didn't see anybody as a threat and both dogs returned to the side of their owner, but they'll all remember this day as the day that the grey sheila brought doom and destruction upon them, but they just thought she had Zoomies. Talk about misreading the situation on both ends!



She's so proud of herself



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