'Let's normalize crying at work': Top Trending Wild LinkedIn Posts From Insufferable Crazies

  • 1
    Font - Flavio Medeiros. 1st Myrtle Beach Agency | Writing About Personal Development, Digital Marketing, & Entrepreneurs... 4h - Ⓒ To really grow, you should have friends who talk about: - Investing - Business Personal Growth - Health/Fitness - Family NOT: - Netflix - Politics - Celebrities - Video Games - Partying - The good ole' days

    "Curious, my toddler friends seldomly talked about investing and I still grew the first 20 years or so of my life." - tjhc_

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    Vertebrate - Kelly Kreger 2nd Coach at Path for Growth 3d Edited Every problem has a solution My son wants to play a game of football after school every day. + Follow Problem: It's freezing cold and nobody wants to go outside to play with him. Solution: Take moms tomato cage, put a helmet on the top and play football with an imaginary team. With creativity a new solution produced. This may not be what he imagined, but the outcome was true. He got to play a game of football after school. The prin

    "Honey, your child is asking you to interact with him and parent him. Instead you put a piece of metal with a hat on instead of you. You then spent time waxing about it on linked in." - Levantante

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    Font - Helping you start your Side-Hustle - Optometrist • #Doctorpreneur O 30m- I'm 34 years old and I've only called off work once in my lifetime. I called off work once in 2017 because I got the flu and I couldn't get off the bathroom floor. That's it. That's the only time I've ever called off. What's an acceptable amount of times for a person to call off? What's an acceptable reason for calling off? #management 2

    "Imagine how many people he's infected. Coworkers, customers, older relatives, etc. He didn't say he's only been sick once. Infectious diseases are inevitable, they're enabled." -Barflyerd*mmit

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    Font - CV Writer, Interview Coach & Career Strategist... 1d. Edited Is it just me, or do you also feel like the 21st Century hasn't really started yet? Nothing seems to really happen anymore, except major dramas about tiny things. Is that me? I mean, objectively, I'm sure that there's as much happening now as ever before, if that can even be measured. And the pandemic doesn't count. Not being able to go out for a bit is not 'something happening'. In fact, the biggest thing that's happened in the

    "I'd be interested to hear what he thinks are 'major dramas about tiny things.' But anyway he's a professional CV writer which is another way to say unemployed so let him waste his time reminiscing on LinkedIn." - oppressivepossum

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    Smile - Kenneth Wood. 1st RF Designer, PCB Toolkit creator and just about everything else here... 5h. I can't tell you how honored I am to have been chosen for this prestigious award, thank you to everyone who believed in me! #awards SATURN PCB DESIGN, INC onic Engineering Solutions Saturn PCB Design Daily Award in Excellence Certificate For: Showing Up Today //-22-22 Awarded To: Mr Our experier your ideas Electron PCB De PCB Ma PCB As Phone: Sales@ www.

    "I hope his fifteen seconds of fame are magical." - canadiancreed

  • 6
    Gesture - Owner of Alison May Public Relations, ... 1w. Part of what makes you a great leader is what you say to your team. Whether you have one employee or thousands, how you act as a leader helps shape your company's brand and culture. Remember it starts inside the company. Here are 7 things great leaders say to their team. Well done We couldn't do this without you I trust your judgement . We are better because of you We can handle it . + Follow What can we do to make this better? I appreciate

    "The best thing an employee can hear is actually 'I'm giving you a raise.' All the other stuff is filler."  -shash5k

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    Plant - CEO & Founder L 11h + Follow Always be careful, because appearances can be deceiving. Like this monitor lizard pretending to be a part of the tree, some software vendors will try and fool you into buying underperforming software. Vendors can fake everything in a demo session using vaporware. At .. we know that seeing is believing - especially when you can see things clearly. That's why we are always in favor of doing a detailed POC using our client's data, so you can be sure that what yo

    "I got his point and it's a fair one to make but I could think of a dozen other ways to make it and all of them don't involve monitor lizards" - Hamzasky

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    Font - • 2nd Creating B2B content that isn't boring AF 2d. Edited • I never thought I'd make $3,000 per day at 30. But here I am. BEAM. At 30. Not making $3,000 per day, so turns out I was right. 99% of people won't do this. Be the 1%. 2,117 Like Comment 147 comments + Follow Repost 7 reposts Send

    "He's 30? Dude looks like he's old enough to remember when Nixon was still president" - Ash-Catchum-All

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    Font - Agree? Erik Devaney (He/Him). 1st Full-time dad, part-time writer 1h. Erik Devaney @BardOfBoston Hands down the worst kind of LinkedIn post is the kind where some dude shares one of his hot-take tweets and writes "agree?" above it.

    "Deactivated my LinkedIn account a week ago. Feel so much better now." - ConsistentAd4039

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    Font - Megan Feeman - 2nd ↑ Founder/CEO at NoBaked Cookie Dough I... + Follow 1h. People who have never run a business should stop ranting about layoffs, placing blame where it doesn't belong. To turn a (terribly run) company profitable, hard things have to happen and hard decisions have to be made. Over hiring is popular amongst tech companies. It never ends well. Stop pretending like you know how to run a company when you've been an employee for your entire life.

    "Ok, but why so condescending? Don't think the cookie dough biz gives you insight into large tech company operations either." - aytoozee1

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    Forehead - Jeri Williams FCA. 2nd Founder and CEO of Smooth Accounting, an amazing acc... + Follow 16h. If you want to be GREAT at what you do, and I mean really great, and you're willing to do whatever it takes to get there.... ...see more

    "She did say she's willing to do whatever it takes." - Sensitive-Designer-6

  • 12
    Font - Sreekar Sannapareddy. 1st Founder-Gradvine I Businessworld 30under30 1 Conrades Distinguished Fellow '14 I Dartmouth C... 41m Last week was especially tough for me professionally. The challenges seemed insurmountable and I began questioning whether running this company was worth it. I almost quit. Employee motivation was also down in the doldrums and we couldn't figure out if our KPIs were wrong or if our style of leadership wasn't working. Then I came across these posts on Linkedin about

    "Guys you can double-tap the upvote button on Reddit. I showed this to my colleagues and they have been quitting their jobs. Some have begun to actually live life a little as well. This is magic and I would like to thank this subreddit for bringing this to light." - shadowblaze25mc

  • 13
    Font - Nat Lindley 1st Chief Executive Officer at 1W 3 . Like Unpopular Opinion: No one is entitled to a job. The second it benefits a business owner or company to cut you loose, it is within the rights of that business person or company to do so. Not only is this fair, it is good as it preserves the opportunity for the remaining employees. s, LLC ... Comment : 1 Comment Share

    "I hope they also realize nobody is entitled to employees either when people start screaming about nobody wanting to work anymore." - Exotic_Zucchini

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  • 14
    Font - Vineeta Singh in. Following CEO at SUGAR Cosmetics 1d. Let's normalise crying at workplace. It's self expression, not a "breakdown", so please don't "freak out". Please don't stop giving us feedback. Please don't think you need to treat us any differently because we shed a few tears. It's just another form of communication and we don't want to feel embarrassed about it anymore. And we generally don't want you to get too sympathetic about it either. Crying it out is an important coping mec

    "If you're crying constantly at work it probably means you should leave the job." - _haarp_

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    Font - Aniruddha Wattal - 2nd Full-time advertising writer, many- time imposter syndrome fighter 2h. + Follow I got rejected by Apple. I got rejected by Facebook. I got rejected by Google. I was jobless. I could have given up all hope. But I took it as a sign. To take the leap of faith. So I started my own enterprise. Then I got rejected by the end consumer. Now I'm jobless. And broke. Moral of the story - keep yourself hydrated. (That doesn't make make any sense. Neither do all the inspiring st

    "The hero we deserve" - u/soysl*t_


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