What would you do about a super annoying neighbor? Well, one Reddit user shared their own tale of neighborly disputes, and didn't quite get the reaction they were searching for.
The issue was over these neighbors' smelly habit that drifted into the OP's own apartment. To take matters into their own hands, the OP bought a super soaker! One night, they completely drenched the offending neighbor couple…then proceeded to deny it all. But they also boasted about their debauchery on r/PettyRevenge, a place for people to share the best ways they've gotten little slivers of revenge against those who have wronged them. Unfortunately for this poster, the commenters were split on whether or not he did the correct thing…check out the dramatic tale below to see what you would have done if this was your neighbor's irritating habit.
After that, check out this article of 40 of the craziest shirts that would drive your relatives crazy by clicking here.
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