In times of chaos and uncertainty, it helps to keep your cool, but not everyone has mastered that ability. These people below have vastly underacted to their circumstances. However, a few of these memes are people having freak outs, because let's face it, life is hard. Whether you're raising a little tiny wild child, or you're a youngster who's in school getting yelled at by your teacher, keeping calm is key.
One person on Twitter summed it up nicely in this tweet, writing, "Life can be pretty cool because you can get a bagel. but there's also the horrors." We totally relate to this tweet, because there's dichotomies in life! Sometimes you get a bagel, and then you deal with the horrors, whatever those might be to you personally. Why not a little bit of both?
Check out these relatable freakout memes below. Then, check out this story of one teacher who kept telling their principal that they were only part time and couldn't monitor a test, only to be ignored into a malicious compliance situation!
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