Today we're discussing exes and whether they should have a place in our current relationships. We'll start out by saying that everyone has different experiences and thus, relationships when it comes to their exes. Some people date toxic red flags and are in a never-ending cycle with their ex. They're on and then off and then back around again. Then there are those that choose to go the 'out of sight, out of mind' route by simply blocking their ex everywhere possible and never speaking to them again (us). And then there are those that choose to stay friends.
Speaking of which, we recently stumbled upon yet another ridiculous Reddit story featuring an oblivious man with a whole lotta audacity. Husband and soon-to-be father turned to Reddit to ask whether he was an a$$hole for wanting to name his future baby in memory of his ex-girlfriend. When we tell you our mouths dropped - we really mean it. Have a read for yourself if not for the story then for the hilarious comments. There's nothing like getting a reality check from a bunch of Redditors.
"she seemed unimpressed"
Sorry, did you expect her to start jumping from excitement??
yes yes yes and 100 times yes
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