Kids go through phases of being little menaces. Sometimes that 'phase' extends into their entire lifetime, bit it's pretty much guaranteed when they're under 10 years old. By the time they're in 2nd or 3rd grade, they think they have the world figured out. They don't need mom and dad telling them what to do anymore and they become indignant, stubborn, picky babies once again. Anyone out there with a picky eater in their household knows that every meal turns into a battle when you have a headstrong 8-year-old begging for their favorite dish.
One woman decided to teach her daughter a lesson by pulling an Uno Reverse on her, giving her exactly what she wanted instead of saying know for the umpteenth time.
The little girl always begged to have salami pizza for every single meal. Since that's pretty much borderline child endangerment via malnourishment, the mom always said no, until she got a brilliant idea. She would overload her daughter with so much salami pizza that she would crack and give up on it. The first day of salami pizza was the best day ever for the daughter! She got her fave food all day.
However by the second day, the mom caught her sneaking other foods in the kitchen, obviously desperate to eat anything but cured meats and bread. She stopped that right there and said, "remember my promise? Salami pizza all day, everyday for a week." The daughter reluctantly gave way. By the third day, the daughter was toast and decided she hated salami pizza for breakfast. The mom's plan worked! And faster than anticipated.
It just goes to show you that good parenting doesn't always look like how you think it should. Sometimes your kiddo needs to reap what they sow. This daughter will never forget her sodium-filled binge of salami pizza and will likely always be wary of the things she wants in excess. * hopefully *
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