YouTubers have terrible ideas sometimes. To gain as many views as possible, YouTubers will do some cuckoo stuff just to be noticed online. Amidst a vast sea of content creators, some folks are willing to go the extra mile and do what no living person has ever attempted. For example, one YouTuber, a car guy named Whistlin' Diesel, recently has been on a kick destroying incredible vehicles on his channel just for the heck of it. Most recently, he's mounted 10ft wagon wheels on a Tesla, just for the sole purpose of knowing what it's like to drive upside down.

Cody Detwiler, a midwestern boy turned YouTube star, was always fascinated with cars, trucks, tanks, and boy toys of all sizes. He's built his channel on the fact that everyone who likes cars, also like to see them get put to the test, or even destroyed.

Well this time, he really put one of the most iconic e-cars to the test, proving that a Tesla can be modified just like any other muscle car. Except, Cody is modding this Tesla to be a little more Amish.

At first, Cody was baffled by the logistics of swapping out regular tires for giant wheels, but it turned out to be surprisingly simple– as long as you have a crane, anybody can do it!
But Cody never lost sight of his original goal: to drive the Tesla upside down. Why you may ask? Why not. Once again, using a crane, Cody flipped the beast over and clamored inside for a test drive.


As expected, driving upside down in a car that doesn't have over-the-shoulder seatbelts turned out to be a disaster. The handling was garbage and the control was lacking. However, Cody did prove that it's possible to drive this bad boy while completely vertical. Cool. Since his experiment was a success, he decided to celebrate in the only way that WhistlinDiesel knows how– by destroying his creation all together.

He sent his behemoth careening down a hillside with the wagon wheels fighting for their lives at top speed.

Naturally, the 10ft wheels were not made for off-roading and at about 75mph they started to buckle and the whole car flipped out of control and crashed. NICE. For some reason, the catharsis of watching a Franken-vehicle be destroyed just feels right. Now we all know what a Tesla on 10ft wheels is capable of and there's something beautiful in that– thanks, Cody.