Sassy females can go from zero to 100 pretty quick. One minute you're enjoying your venti two pump iced mocha from Starbs, running late to work, and weaving through your morning commuter traffic in your Tesla, and the next minute you're screaming your head off at your assistant over Bluetooth, wondering how she dropped the ball so badly on your dry cleaning. A baddie just has to do everything herself to make sure it's done right. The same goes for your dating life as a lady with attitude. These men simply can't get it right no matter how many times you coach them. And then, once they've driven you past your wit's end, they wonder why you're so cranky all the time… Well, the day that the problem recognizes that they're the problem, the attitude won't be stopping.
For more sassy lady memes, check out these astrology memes for those horoscope-following baddies in your life.
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