
Spoiled Son Deletes All of Gamer Mom's Progress on Switch, Throws Tantrum When She Grounds Him


“AITA for taking away my son's access to games for deleting all my progress from all of my games?” Posted by u/Original-Oil-1792

The comment section

Unsurprisingly, no one thought OP was the a-hole.

“Yeah, that was a detail that confused me. Most games outside of Pokémon can also have the saves backed up to cloud, right? Maybe he outright deleted the games instead of archiving them?” said u/Psapfopkmn.

“My guess is he cleared it manually from the memory to make space for Fortnite, I don’t play it so I don’t know the space requirements - but most battle royale games are massive.” said u/mondocalrisian.

“He’s done it on purpose in the hopes that deleting her progress will leave the Switch open for him to play more often. There’s no reason to go through deleting the save files otherwise.” said u/HowToBasicBitch.

“He might have done it because the new baby is attached to mommy and he isn't able to get any time with her and probably not much attention. So there is that reason why he could gave done it. Attention.” said u/Wolran.

“Even so 13 is still old enough to not throw a tantrum. As someone who was severely neglected and acted out as a teen… I just chose to skip class” said u/why-per.

“Better late than never!” said u/changelingcd.

“Yea holy shit. Thirt-f*cking-teen...He knew what he was doing btw...There are HUGE prompts telling you EVERYTHING is gone that you are deleting.” said u/Skill3rwhale.

“This isn't even about games. It's about this kid being completely entitled, and completely disrespecting somebody else's boundaries and somebody else's possessions.” said u/Agreeable_Tale1305.

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