'Shoot your shot, ladies': Girls go viral for real life "meet-cute" they help their bestie have with a construction worker on the side of the road


If you're a fan of Rom-Coms then you can appreciate a good meet-cute. If you aren't and have no idea what a meet-cute is: Basically, it is just the moment the two love interests meet. It's a pivotal part of the romance and usually goes either very cheesy, with sparks and breathy pauses, etc. etc., OR they absolutely despise each other and the film show how the eventually fall in love, bla, bla, bla. It's cute and enjoyable to watch in Rom-Coms. However, this isn't a fantasy, meet-cutes happen all the time in real life!

Recently, a meet-cute came to blossom between a girl and a construction worker on the side of the road with the help of her friends:

Part 1:

Part 2:

The group of besties were driving around when the girl named “Jessica” spotted the tall dashing many in a hardhat and reflective vest. She decided that this man was to be her happily ever after and told her friends that. The drove around them several times before the devised a plan. The friends just took a sign and wrote “are you single?” and “call me” with their friends phone number on it. 

A police officer working the construction site spotted them and came to see the commotion. He read the sign and was delighted to help these two potentially star-crossed lovers meet! He passed the sign to the construction worker and then from there the ladies just had to wait. 


Fortunately, not too long after the construction worker texted her! Unfortunately, that is all we know for now. Viewers have left comments on the bestie and her friends videos begging for an update: Are they still texting? Did they go on a date? Did the find their happily ever after in each other?? And tbh, we're dy!ng for an update too. Come ladies, let the people know what happened! With all the stressful things happening in the world, we neeeeed this IRL rom-com to have a happy ending. 


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