An "ick" is something that instantly turns you off. It can be with anything! You get the ick going to your friend's house because it smells like kitty litter. You get the ick with yourself when you accidentally fall up the stairs. The most common icks, however, happen when you're dating. If you go on a first date and the person displays one of your icks, you're most likely not going to agree to a second date. Now don't get icks and red flags confused, they are very different. And ick is a more of less harmless trait that you personally just don't like. Like you get the ick because your partner drinks milk. It doesn't really have a rhyme or reason, but it just gives you the ick. Whereas a red flag is more detrimental, like your date belittles you or is possessive. Red flags are reasons to run, icks can sometimes be overcome. A thread on Reddit has women sharing their most random icks and some you may have never heard of (but they will become your newest ick). Ever heard of a a guy "Pooh Bear-ing" it? That's when they walk around with just a shirt and now underwear on… ICK. See more funniest icks below.
Photo via u/pexels-PolinaZimmerman
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