'The lash was her 13th reason': Hormonal, pregnant sister totally snaps when she goes out for lunch; everyone gets flummoxed when emotional rollercoaster unfolds


When you're going through pregnancy, your hormones are all topsy turvy. Even the most sensible women can completely snap when they're backed up against the wall by a growing fetus, fluctuating hormonal rollercoasters, and the constant need to take a wee. Although they may try their best to curb their hellacious emotions and turbulent feelings, sometimes it's just a losing battle for a pregnant woman going 1v1 with their intrusive thoughts. 

One woman in particular completely lost a handle on herself over lunch with her baby daddy and her sister. What started as a perfectly normal afternoon descended into chaos when preggo hormones took the wheel.


For females who know what it's like to be along for the ride in your own body, it's easy to imagine how quickly the second trimester hormones can take control. As if she was possessed by a skin-jacker, Isabella, the mother-to-be quickly lost the plot after ordering a salad at the restaurant. 

Isabella arrived in an excellent mood, ready to take on the day, but once she was reminded of the food that she had put in with her server, she crumbled

Unbeknownst to the rest of the table (and contrary to her original order), Isabella broke down because she realized that she didn't actually WANT a salad and needed to quickly get an order in of something else. This simple mistake turned the whole lunch into a mood-salvaging quest of epic proportions. 

Her baby daddy tried to assist– asking her what was wrong and attempting to console her salad decision –but Isabella was not having it. Even after the waitress returned to correct the salad incident, she broke down in tears. 

Before matters could be resolved, they got astronomically worse. Her eyelash retaliated and one of her lashes fell off. 

Knowing they were in for a ride, the baby daddy and the sister stood by and helped ease the situation. After a dramatic attempt to get her life back on track, the waitress came back with an order of chicken wings, which Isabella happily devoured. 

Isabella's mood flipped like a switch and she was jolly again. The turmoil of the lash and the salad was resolved and she could go back to being a hormonal mess again. All her partner needs to do is read her mind and do exactly as she says for another three months. 

Alls well that ends in wings.



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