Deep within the heart of the Bleplandian mountains lies a prestigious and world-renowned school for the sacred blep arts, called Blepmarth Academy. In this academy, amazing animal students from all over come to learn the secrets of blepology from the best of the blepst, the three masters of blep, known as the Blep Lords!
These powerful and respected masters are each responsible for teaching a different aspect of blepology, Timing, Cuteness, and Length. With mastery over these three aspects, one can use their blep for ameowzing and barktastic things! Rumour has it that the headmaster, Sir Hugo DeBlep, used the immense power of his blep to hollow out the mountain that he built the academy upon, a feat that also immortalized him as an unbeatable figure in history.
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This proud mother is an alumnus of the Blepmarth Academy and is one hundred percent certain that her cute kitten has what it takes to make it in. He started blepping from an incredibly young age and is what most would call a blepidgy.
Graduates of the Blepmarth Academy are incredibly talented and tend to make up the majority of the world's leaders and innovators, amongst other high-profile careers. For instance, take James Bluesteel, famous supermodel and leader of the island nation of Meowdelandia.
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