When working in the service industry it is inevitable that you will encounter a bad tipper. Whether they're old and still think 25 cents is an appropriate tip, or their entitled and think because you forgot the ice in their water, they're allowed to tip you $0. It's a mad mad world out there working as a waiter. At least in the U.S. it is. You work for barely an hourly with usually no benefits and you relay almost completely on tips. So when you get a $0 tip, that person who you just served and gave probably over an hour of your life to doesn't think you deserve even a $2 slice of pizza for dinner. It's heart breaking, but there is also something about working in the service industry that makes you more empathetic and tough at the same time. Not to mention the friends you make for life out of the coworkers you trauma-bonded with. Below, servers took to a recent Reddit post about tipping Karma. Some cheap guy tried to impress his date by tipping $100, but it turned out it was fake. When they came back for another date, the server was more than excited to return his forgotten joke money right. The entitled guy left $0 on the receipt for tip, but the woman left a real $50 bill on the table. See what other servers have experience in the tipping karma world below!
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