Wholesome Mid-Week Memes From The Animal Kingdom To Get You Over The Hump (August 30, 2023)

  • 01

    "hi, you’re beautiful. :)"

    Finger - my love for you VIII my love for you wholesomeanimals.jpg
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  • 02

    "what time did you wake up?"

    Organism - good morning, beautiful. hope you slept well 33 wholesome animals.jpg
  • 03

    "The Yee to my Haw"

    Hat - you're the yee to my haw
  • 04

    "are you ready for school?"

    Organism - goodnight, ily. have a wonderful day tomorrow. you deserve the best :)) wholesomeanimals.jpg
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  • 05


    Cat - Done has anyone told you how beautiful you looked today? ↑ X. Catal
  • 06

    "make sure you drink your recommended amount of water daily :)"

    Liquid - stay hydrated my friend wholesomeanimals.jpg
  • 07
    Photograph - I don't know who needs to see this but
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  • 08

    "Everyone can be successful in their own way, so go out there and achieve your dreams!"

    Vertebrate - BEST BUY hello i am successful and u can be successf too because you're strong and awesome
  • 09
    Dog - when he lets u wear his sweater SORTED PAINS VARICTS SNAPS 105
  • 10
    Hard hat - 樂居保存法 laughoutloud-club: You have been visited by the safety doggo. You will be safe from all danger for the next 24 hours.
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  • 11

    "May I please have some carrots"

    Property - 현춘이 @ughHugs My next door neighbor's guinea pig comes over sometimes to ask for carrots
  • 12

    "Someone help him"

    Dog - I trespass and I stucc
  • 13

    "The little pupper is making friends ."

    Dog - oh hi 7
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  • 14
    Dog - @lovememesdealer i need a hug and only yours will make me happy
  • 15

    "Boomer made you a painting, say thank you Boomer "

    Dog - He's extremely proud of his painting Boomer 2019 @PetMemed
  • 16

    "I love your vest Ted!"

    Dog - This is Ted. He went on his first boat ride today. Hopes you like his giraffe vest. He picked it out himself. 13/10 (IG: golden.teddie) Pap
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  • 17
    Font - @wholesomebb_ Your arms Me
  • 18

    "Hurley loves to give other doggos hugs"

    Dog - Meet Hurley. He's the curly one. He hugs every other dog he sees during his walk.
  • 19

    "Thank you mumma cat"

    Cat - My mom Me, telling my mom what I want to order from the restaurant
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  • 20

    "whether you’re having a bad day or think nothing good will happen in your life, just remember someone always loves you "

    Nose - hey that ummm did u kno... i<3 u


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