“What seems like snake oil but is actually 100% legit?” Posted by u/ThePonyboyCurtis
"Infrared and Red Light Therapy is amazing. I took part in a US Air Force study on alternative medicine when I was in the Army. At the time, my left leg was in bad shape. I could barely walk because the nerves wouldn't work and the pain would be so intense that I'd collapse. I went to the study and a man with a ponytail told me to take off my shirt and lay on the table. This f-ckin guy starts dangling a crystal over parts of my body and tells me my chakras were f-cked up. This guy pulls out a single red LED and holds it next to my belly button for a minute and tells me to get up and walk down the hall. I cannot explain to you how f-cking furious I was that it worked. It didn't work because I wanted it to and he helped me trick my brain, it worked because it worked." —moon_or_crash
"I got a legitimate laugh out of the mental image of a guy in fatigues walking down the hall frowning and saying 'Oh, God damnit! I'm cured.' So thanks for that." —Paige_Railstone -
"You can also use coffee filters." —ShadowWolfKane
"I tried the opposite and my coffee just tasted like yesterdays news" —BeneficialAd9435 -
"Helps with constipation as well. Not like a laxative that relieves constipation. But as a preventative measure. You'll sh-t like a champ if you take it daily." —EssentialFilms
"Oh this is a good one! I have BPPV and when my doctor went 'you gotta slam yourself around a little to knock the crystals out of your ears' a was like 'uuuhhhh, is this guy really an MD or did I go to a homeopath by mistake?' But it's no joke, it fixes me immediately." —Velociraptornuggets