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It's no secret that working in customer service exposes you to all kinds of bizarre behavior that wouldn't be acceptable in any other place in society. What is it that makes people think it's okay to treat someone any differently just because they happen to be wearing an apron or a name badge? Unfortunately, the act of being served gives petty tyrants the opportunity to feel as if they are better than the person serving them, with some individuals exhibiting levels of malice and cruelty that make you really glad they don't have any actual power.
While at first you might be confronted by these interactions, after some time working these types of roles, you harden to the behavior, becoming so dead inside that there's really not anything this person's words could possibly do to you. Those made of sterner stuff, who are equanimous even in the face of customer tantrums, may seek to make a game out of the confrontation, turning to subtle mockery and banter in order to catch the tantrum-thrower off guard mid-meltdown.
This customer service rep described a similar strategy, using customers' own impolite directives against them when they refused to get off their phones at checkout.
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