This move was a headache from start two finish for one small moving company. One of the movers shared their story to r/MaliciousCompliance---and it is a perfect example of that!
The OP, u/CHAINSMOKERMAGIC, writes that they worked at a tiny moving company, usually tackling one job at a time with their boss Mike. OP writes that the work was demanding, but it was worth it, because most people were truly grateful for the helping hand. Not everyone can move their own belongings, and even if you can, it's a huge job! You never realize just how much stuff you own until you have to pack it all up into six thousand cardboard boxes.
This woman wasn't appreciative at all, though. Customers like her must make the job grueling. Imagine moving hundreds or thousands of pounds of furniture for someone, only for them to give you a hard time about it! At least the guy's boss, Mike, had a really bright idea for dealing with such ingrates. The customer is going to be steaming mad when she finds out about it, but it was great for employee morale at this moving company!
Up next, check out this dude's great idea for rescheduling an important appointment if you happen to be just a few minutes too late.
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