‘Divorce is Wrong’: Top 26 Unpopular Opinions of the Week

  • 01
    Font - UNPOPULAR OPINIE r/unpopularopinion Posted by u/funny117cat 5 days ago If you have a severe allergy, you shouldn't eat at any restaurant
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  • 02
    Font - I've worked in the food industry for the last 4 years in a really popular place in my hometown. The amount of people who place orders that are noted as being severely allergic, anaphylactic, etc etc is crazy to me. It's a restaurant serving hundreds of people a day putting out thousands of plates. While we will try our best to ensure you don't de that's a ton
  • 03
    Font - risk on the customers just for the sake of a sandwich or something you can make at home. If you're highly allergic to common items such as nuts, shellfish, gluten, don't eat out it's a pain in the as for the restaurant and super risky for you.
  • 04
    Font - UNPOPULAR OPINION r/unpopularopinion. Posted by u/JustBrowsing Again- 3 days ago Divorce shouldn't be as socially accepted as it is. Marriage these days just feels like a free trial without the commitment. Divorce in the USA alone is over 50%
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  • 05
    Font - which is actually insane, but how? I don't understand how someone can get up on that altar or stage or whatever and say til' d h do us part or through sickness and health and through the good times and the bad and then BOOM...divorce a couple years later.
  • 06
    Font - The only time divorce should be acceptable is if your spouse is e, cheated or became an axe r. Otherwise you need to actually WORK on your marriage. Talk things through and figure it out, not just run when things get hard. a m
  • 07
    Font - While I understand people change and no one goes into a marriage thinking it's not going to work out, that's something you should know before getting married, that's the part when you grow together. Some of the reasons people get divorced now a days are just
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  • 08
    Font - ridiculous. I even heard one couple who were married for 10 years and nothing was wrong, all they said was they got bored. Like why even get married
  • 09
    Font - UNPOPULAR OPINION r/unpopularopinion Posted by u/tensatailred 4 days ago You shouldn't be having casuals x if you have poor boundaries and find it difficult to say no. n
  • 10
    Font - I'm seeing more and more situations where people are uncomfortable with s x but can't say no for whatever reason. They may feel uncomfortable with their casual partner, may not want to disappoint etc
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  • 11
    Font - I personally think if you are one of those people that can't say no, freeze, or are extremely passive when it comes to s x, you shouldn't be having casuals x. Stick to having a partner that your comfortable with.
  • 12
    Font - UNPOPULAR OPINION r/unpopularopinion · Posted by u/SEXONOMIC 6 days ago The person you marry or settle down with isn't nessiserily the person you've loved the most, its the most logical person to be with
  • 13
    Font - Setting and marrying is more of a person you're happy to go into a contract agreement. I know we all have different interpretations of love, but what I'm getting at is what you want and what you need for a partner in life are sometimes two different things....
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  • 14
    Art - I feel whenever I try to being this up as an abstract thought people I'm relationships instantly feel targeted and attacked.
  • 15
    Font - r/unpopularopinion. u/deadsuburbia 3 days ago I hate "quiet quitting" UNPOPULAR Posted by So apparently people have created this new concept called "quiet quitting” aka when an employee does the bare minimum amount of work that their job title requires.
  • 16
    Font - I think this is bs. Is that not what you're supposed to do at a job? How is doing exactly what your job entails. "quitting?" Moreover, why do they expect people to go above and beyond for their job if they're not paying their employees for the extra work that's not listed in their job description?
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  • 17
    Font - This whole "quiet quitting" seems like a thinly veiled marketing tactic to get people to work $30 hour jobs for a $15 hour wage.
  • 18
    Font - UNPOPULAR OPINION r/unpopularopinion Posted by u/goodluckanddont_itup 12 days ago Flaking on plans you made with a friend isn't self-care. It's rude. When you postpone, cancel, or ghost a friend last minute because you're "too tired," you 1) disrespect
  • 19
    Font - their time and 2) send a clear, hurtful message: "I wasn't looking forward to spending this time together." "But I only slept four hours last night."
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  • 20
    Font - "But I had a long week at work." "But I'm burnt out." Then. Stop. Making. Plans.
  • 21
    Font - UNPOPULAR OPNIU r/unpopularopinion · Posted by u/thestruggle-isreal 13 days ago The dad bod is undoubtedly the most attractive body type if we're going by what women are actually dating
  • 22
    Font - First let define dad bod, picture someone who played football in high school/college, got ranked one of the best, unfortunately got injured, couldn't play anymore, ended up overeating consistently, not training and partied a lot for a 1 year.
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  • 23
    Organism - These guys are the ones I see dating the most consistently and with the most attractive women. I don't know why but that's my observation. I've even heard women say they like a squishy belly, can't make this s up.
  • 24
    Font - UNPOPULAR r/unpopularopinion · Posted by u/nanas99 23 days ago Being friends with your exes is a green flag I have never understood how people think being friends with an ex is a red flag. Being able to have a friendly relationship post- breakup shows maturity and growth. It shows
  • 25
    Font - you are capable of putting differences aside and remaining amicable with someone who you were vulnerable with. Breakups are never easy and it takes a bigger person to not demonize their ex simply because you are no longer in a relationship. As long as the nature of the breakup and relationship was not al 'e, I always take it
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  • 26
    Font - as a green flag when a new potential partner is friends with their exes Edit: This post does not apply to relationships that ended due to a e, infidelity, v ce, or any other factor that is detrimental to one or both parties' wellbeing


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