The days are getting chillier, shorter, and bluer...? Although our real world atmosphere doesn't actually turn blueish green, sometimes our Twilight obsessed hearts wish it did. Every person on this Earth has a comfort movie or TV series that they watch religiously at some point during the year. For some, it's The Office, others it's Harry Potter... But for Twi-hard vampire lovers, our favorite seasonal binge is the Twilight saga. The verdict is still out on whether or not you're Team Edward or Team Jacob, but one thing is for certain, as soon as the weather gets to that perfect, crisp 'hoa hoa hoa hoa hoaaa' temperature, it's time for the gang to come out of hibernation, flooding the house with alternative rock, cringey dialogue, and a heartwarming fantasy that's deluded an entire generation into thinking epic love exists. So if you're one of those people who can't seem to stop watching Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, or Breaking Dawn, these memes are for you.
Where the heccity heck have you been, Loca?