Everybody's got a gig these days. Whether you're a full-time working stiff or a freewheeling freelancer, you've found a niche and you're filling it. Some niches are niche-er than others, though. Some jobs are obvious and straightforward. We know we need teachers, servers, doctors, and Memebase editors, but what about the jobs that are a little more under the radar? What about the people who make packing peanuts? Or name nail polish colors? Or decide what the cap on the end of your shoelace is called. (That was for all the Phineas and Ferb heads out there.) How do those folks find those jobs? And can you become a secret billionaire doing them?
Luckily, Reddit always has a wealth of information on all the strange pockets of the world. Some folks recently shared the weird, unknown jobs out there that also happen to be lucrative. You might not find these on LinkedIn.