Hello, friends! Today, we stumbled upon an incredibly heartwarming tale about a tiny orange kitten placed in a foster home alongside a sweet human baby. Their time together fostered an awwdorable bond, evident in the charming pictures we discovered on Reddit showcasing the two of them. After a brief stint in what he initially believed would be his furever home, things took an unexpected turn. The little orange fellow returned to his foster home and, in a surprising twist, was officially adopted by his foster family—talk about a foster fail!
We are smitten with this endearing kitten and baby duo. Life often unfolds in mysterious ways, yet sometimes, it aligns perfectly with the way it's meant to be. This family, without a doubt, is destined to be together. Over here at ICanHasCheezburger, we are all about the love between felines and humans. And the amount of love contained in this awwdorable Reddit thread is simply amazing.
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