'We have decided to grant you two days': Anonymous neighbor group pens note protesting decorative plants

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  • 01
    This poorly written letter from my passive aggressive neighbor telling me to remove my 'legally-owned' plants from my property
  • 02

    Here's the full letter, which we'll break down below

    Dear It has come to our attention to our residents of 11 that the potted plants outside of your porch are not real and decoration. This will reflect extremely poorly to our houses and other constitencies in the area who have real plants who might wish to sell there homes one day, and buyers running away when they saw your plants. Earlier this week, myself and 14 other neighbors (including the state enviroment official) have held a group meeting to discuss the appropriate action necessary to solv
  • 03

    The first half of the note reads...

    Dear It has come to our attention to our residents of 1 that the potted plants outside of your porch are not real and decoration. This will reflect extremely poorly to our houses and other constitencies in the area who have real plants who might wish to sell there homes one day, and buyers running away when they saw your plants. Earlier this week, myself and 14 other neighbors (including the state enviroment official) have held a group meeting to discuss the appropriate action necessary to solve
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  • 04

    In the second half, the neighbor writes...

    As of this writing, we have decided to grant to you 2 days to remove the selected plants from your porch. IF you chose to not correspond, there might be an official action taken that will include the police called to write an lawsuit, or the flowery being removed and discarded of quite immediately. You must within 2 days minimum. Note: We have chose to make this letter anonymous to protect our legal right, and to grant you the same legal opportunities. Thank you,
  • 05

    As you may have noticed, the letter is chock-full of spelling and grammar errors!

    TuringPharma "The flowery being removed and discarded of quite immediately. You must within 2 days minimum." Sounds like you have infinity days maximum
  • 06
    Reset108 It's hilarious that they think the police will care about this.
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  • 07
    Imao...state environment official coming to a meeting to talk about fake plants on a porch.
  • 08
    Amesaskew I hope you have a camera on your porch so you can catch them in the act when they come to remove your property.
  • 09
    Tasty Bullfroglegs · Yeah they basically admitted that they were going to steal/destroy your property.
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  • 10
    DrFrankSays Again I don't see any other recourse but to buy more plants and some outdoor lighting so they can be enjoyed at night as well as during the day.
  • 11
    ARC_Trooper_Echo. I love the pointlessness of the phrase "quite immediately." It's definitely someone trying to sound all smart and lawyerly and failing miserably.
  • 12
    MikeNoble 91 They're right though. I would never buy a home next to someone with a fake plant. What else is fake? Is their house fake? Are they fake? What if I'm fake and I don't even know it? You can't trust them.
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  • 13
    ▸ [deleted] Your neighbor is illiterate
  • 14
    Isabella_Bee Your neighbor has a rich fantasy life and I would just ignore it.
  • 15
    lifeless_ordinary I'd get a red pen, circle or correct all the typos, write D- at the top, and return it.
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  • 16
    DanAlucard The only solution is filling your lawn with real dead plants. There'll be no plastic!
  • 17
    DishwasherLint Hope you have cameras. Catch them "removing" your plants, from your front porch and have them prosecuted for stealing
  • 18
    [deleted] What the ? Plants? What is wrong with people? 908 Share HedgehogSmoothie OP You can't even tell they're fake until you get within 3ft of them! Not to mention, there's no law against having fake plants.


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