Sometimes something very very annoying has to happen to you so you can get rewarded with something very very awesome. For instance, when a huge multi-billion company finagles hundreds of extra dollars out of your hardworking hands, but then due to them being entitled and impolite, you end up getting thousands of dollars in return. It's called karma and it tastes so so sweet.
Take for instance, this commenter on a Reddit post about a guy trying to get a Priceline refund. The post was about a guy who booked way in advance through Priceline to stay in a hotel for an entire month, but once he got there, there was no reservation. The commenter shared his story about how Priceline almost tricked him out of money, but all's well that ends well. The reservation made through Priceline had "booked them two rooms," but upon arrival, there was only one. The hotel gave them some BS excuse, and they ended up having to sleep in the basement and then pay an extra $600 to get another room later. They were so upset, the complained to Priceline.
The third-party booking service eventually sent them a full refund about a week later, but then additionally the hotel gave them a full refund. The guy tried calling them and doing the right thing, saying he already got a refund, but the entitled hotel management decided to ignore him and never call him back. So, c'est la vie, that's an extra few bucks in hand, baby! Like this story? Read about this Karen getting put in her place on an airplane.
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