Parenting is the ultimate crash course in chaos management, sleep deprivation, and discovering just how much coffee one human can consume in a day - it's a lot incase you were wondering.
To celebrate the true heroes, the moms and dads amongst us this week we've collected 34 memes that are the most honest and raw we could find. From the daily whirlwind of diapers and tantrums, snacks and bedtime struggles to everything in between - we know it's not all hugs and kisses and we're here to make sure you know you're doing great!
So, grab your coffee (or wine, no judgment here), kick back, and enjoy these memes that perfectly capture the hilarious, exhausting, and downright messy reality of parenthood. We know you wouldn't change them for the world, but when it gets just that bit too much, we'll be here to put the smile back on your face one meme at a time…enjoy!
Like what you see? Find more hilarious women's memes and crazy stories on our Instagram @Cheezcake_Humor and more videos on our TikTok @cheezcaked